My name is Phil and my wife's name is Eranthi. We are blessed with a beautiful daughter and are based in London (United Kingdom).
Our clothing brand, ALPHA AND OMEGA, was birthed out of frustration. It all started on a cold winter, back in 2017, when we realised there was little to no mention about Jesus Christ during the Christmas season. When in fact, this season could provide us with the perfect opportunity to tell someone about Jesus.
My wife and I are fully aware that Jesus was not born in winter, but we also understand that every opportunity to preach the Gospel is critical, and whether in season or out of season we still preach Christ. And every day is sanctified by God and belongs to God as long as we walk by faith and discernment.
God used that frustration in our hearts to give birth to our first Christian knitwear company, ALPHA AND OMEGA, with knitted bespoke jumpers being our primary focus.
ALPHA AND OMEGA, founded in 2017, is a Christian knitwear British designer brand with the objective of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through beautiful bespoke knitted Jumpers. It also allows us the opportunity to share the greatest act of love from God to mankind, which is the good news of salvation the world desperately needs (2 Peter 3:9).
The journey has not always been easy. The following 4 years were challenging. We went through ups and down because the enemy wanted to kill the dream God put in us. A dream that would impact the world in a way that had never been seen before, according to God's divine purpose. However, we matured in the process as a family, never gave up and focused on the joy that was within us with our eyes firmly fixed on the vision. One thing we did was to simply follow biblical principals by writing down the vision according to Habakkuk 2:2-4, which says:
"2 Then the Lord replied:
“Write down the revelation
and make it plain on tablets
so that a herald may run with it."
We wrote the vision down in detail, in a book to remind ourselves what God had in mind for us, and through us to the whole world (see picture below)
From there, our first design, the 'Jesus Our Lord' nativity jumper was launched in December 2021. It became our best selling product because the nativity story is eternal which makes this jumper relevant for years to come until the return of Jesus Christ. This nativity jumper depicts Jesus wrapped in swaddling cloth, lying in a manager. This was the sign to the shepherds of the birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ. This is a design that will never go out of fashion but instead serves as a reminder to us, to our children and to the world of the hope that is found in Christ Jesus from his birth to his death and resurrection.
See below our first commercial on Facebook and Instagram (Please click to follow us)
Our Story | What's Next? | Join Our Family | Final Words